Marriage on VANILLA Khajiit - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: Hello everyone! Trying to marry a Khajiit with a RDO mod. I read that the SE version of RDO doesnt support Khajiit marriage. Well, I still didn’t understand why no one had guessed just to take the voice acting for this from the Argonians, who have necessary for this dialogues. Thus I tried to convert the oldrim RDO (with the help of CAO) but still cant ask any Khajiit to marry me. The majority are marriage candidates and are spread across the province. The only mod that works well is the Khajiit Marriage And Follower Mod. Credits: Thanks to Bad Dog which the mod was discussed on his "Complete Khajiit" mod page. There is also a good marriage mod, but it's only for the PS4 sadly. You can now marry any of the Caravan Khajiit or J'zargo without any console commands.

I know this is a popular idea that many people ask for. But It lacks most voice lines as it does not used the RDO mod because it was no longer up to date. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim> Workshop > Clarota's Workshop > Khajiit Marriage (And Follower) Mod This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. I know that there are no Bosmer to marry either, but as a wood elf it is normal to marry different elf races, or even different human races. Why are there no Khajiit marriage partners in Skyrim? Now it doesn’t matter if you want to marry multiple people at once or just make marriage feel better – this is the mod to get. For a Khajiit, unless you marry a khajiit, your marriage will be very strange.

But, there is simply no voice acting for married Khajiit. Therefore, their voicetype isn't included in the marriage quests) 1) Find the Voice for the chaurus (since that was your example, we'll run with that) 2) Add that voice to the Marriage Voices formlist. Help! Credits must also be given where it is due. (Vanilla Khajiit aren't marryable because they have no marriage lines.

The marriage mod also aims to fix many of the bugs that marriage has in base-game Skyrim, improving little tweaks that you’ll notice as you play with it. A big thanks to Blaze69 who helped a ton and was always quick to respond.